Sunday, May 29, 2011

AWW 25.05.2011: Benagil Bacchanalia, or Tina Thrice Triumphant

Tina thrice triumphant – how? Well, first she leads a brilliantly timed walk; then she budgets and organises a most successful and satisfying lunch; and finally has the fantastic wheeze of calling on all present to send in their comments so that the Blog virtually writes itself. So, minimal blue editorials from now on, but we have some excellent photos from Yves inter alia.

The Starters  (click to enlarge)
A Grande Empresaria: Tina
Seguidores Obedientes: Alex, Janet, JohnO, Yves, Ingrid, Lindsey, Rod, Hazel, Frank, Chris W, Paul and Myriam, Dina, Ian W, JohnH.
Cãos: Maddie, Tiggy.
Comedores: Antje, Diane W, Joan W, Hilke, Ian S, David and Dinah.
Stats according to Paul were:
Total Distance: 9.27 km.
Total Time: 3hrs 14 min.
Moving Time: 2 hrs 28 min.
Overall Avg.: 2.9 km/hr.
Moving Avg.: 3.8 km/hr.
Total Ascent: 277 m.
Max Elevation: 53 m.

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The Track
The Leader´s Report
“Well here goes for the report, It is quite daunting to face a blank page indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“We assembled at Benagil for the stroll before lunch outside the O Algar restaurante, a calm morning apart from the inexperienced leader having a few nerves and trying to get everyone together for the start photo. It’s amazing how frustrating it is when no ones takes any notice of your request to stand together………a warm welcome back to Janet after her Mothering duties and good to see Ingrid and Alex making “The Four Floozies” together again.
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Back packs for strollers
“At some point early on Ingrid damaged her finger (How?) and Paul was on hand to administer his wonder Elastoplast spray; even on a simple walk, people hurt themselves, our walks may need a Doctor to join us!!
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Ingrid gives a salute
“This walk was billed as a stroll and with the statistics showing, it was certainly that; the weather was behaving when we set off, all saying that rain was not predicted till Thursday, so after the first Banana stop, discovering that Ingrid had 2 Banana’s in her rucksack……
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“….the showers came. As we did not have Terry A with us to blame we had to find someone and sure enough Paul was it, he did not think it was going to happen and did not pack his Poncho ( Could be a song there, Paul & His Poncho )
“We sheltered for a few moments and then continued ever onwards. The walk has been updated with new info boards letting you know there was Thyme and Bird Life, all very interesting. We paused once or twice while Yves took some special portraits.
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The Snapper and…
The Snapped.
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(All 5 above by Yves Ferrer Pictorials S.A.)
Eventually we arrived at “The Tilley Snatcher Point” and admired the view, Myriam and Ian W getting playful resulting in Myriam showing off her Kung Foo skills and kicking him in the shin, very painful and it is always the little ones that cause the most grief……… a banana break was called, Ingrid favouring a firm ripe one, where as John H rummaged in his bag and produced the most over-ripe banana to date, no accounting for taste is there.
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Perfection… just the right degree of fermentation
As usual we gathered together for the photo call, only to discover our photographer had lost his camera, there is definitely something about this spot, luckily Dina had found and had picked up the fallen camera, so for a change we had our own paparazzo in the photo.
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“Where´s my camera gone?”….the paparazzo´s nightmare.
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At “Tilley Snatcher” Point
“Deciding there and then to return to Benagil for our lunch, we slightly veered off course but, being the pioneering AWWs we are, we managed to get back on track and find our way back to Albandeira and so continued on our normal path towards lunch.
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Lindsey demonstrates elementary aircraft evacuation drill
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Signs of the times 
“Lunch was held on the outside terrace at O Algar and we were joined by our fellow non-walkers and guests, extremely pleasant end to the day and also nearing the end of our walking season.
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“John hope this is ok, feel free to edit and add anything I may have missed,
Love Tina”
What she has missed out, of course, is her eloquent, nay, impassioned appeal to everyone present to send in one liners giving their own reactions to and comments on the walk and the lunch to the JCB for publication.
And here they are, those comments; not many one liners, but what the heck!
First up, Alex:
"The weather forecast was for "morning showers" but, as is usual since the storm of 1987, it proved to be a slight exaggeration. It was, in fact, a perfect day for walking with just the one shower to cool us down and the odd glimpse of sunshine promising the return of summer.
“The walk from Benagil along the coast has to be one of a long list of favourites. The cliff top paths, the exhilarating blow holes (recently enhanced by some fine accessories c/o Health & Safety), and this year, what looked to me to be a remarkably high sea. The spring flowers are still about, an extended bonus thanks to the recent rain and everything has managed to retain it's freshness, bearing in mind that June is just around the corner, that's not bad going.

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Health and Safety Fencing
“All in all everything fared well for a lovely walk - and it was. The spring vacationers related their adventures and the summer vacationers shared their expectations. An easy walk that offered itself up for easy chatting and, in advance of Saturday, we listened intently to Rod's retelling of a few of Charles' very scary experiences. The picnic areas and car parks were deserted and we met very few walkers, considering what a popular walk this is. Not a good sign for the summer, but still, there's plenty of time - oh, and of course, one mustn't forget the "ash cloud" !!!

And so, to lunch, with perfect timing and joined by Antje, Ian S., Diane, Joan, Hilke, David and Dinah, we enjoyed a lovely lunch in a beautiful setting - even the sun came out.

Our food critics get to work on the couvert

“Thank you, Tina, it was a lovely day. "
Hope that's okay and sending love and hugs,
Alex xxxx

then Chris W:

“How on earth are we expected to remember such an impassioned appeal when our usually alert minds are drained by the incessant conversation of a Wednesday walk as well as being swamped in alcohol following an excellent lunch ?  Will this become a pattern for the future, a short walk followed by a longer lunch ?  (YES) If so, count us in, even the disabled and the more decrepit of our numbers will then be able to continue to enjoy the company of the AWWs. By then virtual walking may have become possible, following an already established GPS track, using earlier photographic records and referring to previous blogs who needs to actually walk ? However, back to basics this time, no need for GPS's, simply follow the chosen path, turn around when we had had enough, (and get back in time for lunch) and hardly a complainer in earshot. Even a minor detour to challenge the more intrepid amongst us. An excellent, if well trodden walk, even the two senior dogs enjoyed it, as did we all. Congratulations to Tina for organising both a pleasant stroll and an excellent lunch.
Regards Chris ( more than one line, please edit accordingly!)”

Then Ingrid:
“Tina's walk was every bit as she promised it would be, she added even
a little site seeing, gardens and villas. (Spot the pun). And there was also a great
moment of panic for JohnH that is, nothing to do with Tina. Somehow
JohnH got careless and lost his camera, but thank God for Dina who
saved the day by picking up producing the lost item, when it was needed to take a
shot for the next blog, so that is that.

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Take care, Ingrid”
Here is Myriam´s contribution.

“Now surely I´ve seen that hat somewhere before?”
“The coast line is one of my favourites. The walk was pleasant and relaxing. What I enjoyed most was that the lunch took longer than the walk!! Lovely environment, good food, delightful company -- a day well spent. Thank you, Tina, for organising it.”
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Then a brief comment from Paul:
Struggling to remember much factual about the walk, so I'll take the easy way out and plagiarise three fragments of poems by Alfred Noyes and AA Milne:-

The TilleyMan
The wind was a zephyr of lightness above the wafting trees.
The sun was a faded Zeppelin risen from azure seas.
The path was a dusty serpent, twining along the scarp.
And the AWWs came Driving,
Driving, Driving
Into 'O Algar' park.
One had a Tilley hat on his forehead
And a 'Good Morning' towel at his chin.
He'd a shirt of fading green Brilon,
And shorts that were wearing thin.
They fitted with plenty of wrinkles, his boots were ankle high.
But he walked with a confident twinkle
His walking poles a-twinkle, his camera lens a-twinkle
Under the Algarve sky.

AWW Benagil 25-05-2011 018
Christopher W.
Christopher, Christopher, where are you going,
Christopher W?
"Just up to the top of the hill.
Upping and upping until
I am right on top of the hill"
Said Christopher W.
Christopher, Christopher, why are you going,
Christopher W?
There's nothing to see, so when
You get to the top, what then?
"Just down to the bottom again"
Said Christopher W.
Wednesday Walk
When the AWW go for a walk,
We hold our sticks and talk and talk
Of all the things we mean to do
Before the age of seventy two.
We talk on subjects far and near
Like sport and sex and gear and beer
And what's for lunch and cloud and rain
And then we do it all again!

An amendment to line 4 of The Tilley Man instead of:_
“And shorts that were wearing thin.”
substitute: 'Neath his shorts his legs were thin.”

(Can´t imagine who he´s talking about, but is there no end to the man´s talents…Mastermind, hi-tech, geo what´s it-ing, cooking, blogging, and now poetry?)
That should fill a bit of copy - if you space it out enough!!

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Lindsey said:
“Herewith my addition to the Blog for the AWW of 25.5.11 - for what its worth!
“Tina organized and led a lovely casual, very relaxed walk along the cliffs at Benagil. On the homeward stretch a couple of walkers were talking too much and led the group on a slight detour to admire a couple of houses! The lunch was delicious and a happy day was had by all.
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Best wishes, Lindsey.”
Yves, JohnO and Ian W said nowt, but one guesses that they enjoyed themselves.

Hazel said….
AWW Benagil 25-05-2011 019
“The walk was very pleasant and a comfortable length; it was a joy to see the coastline, with the aquamarine sea and the waves crashing against the shore. One forgets how lovely the coast is and that we walkers are very privileged to be able to get so close to it. Thank you, Tina, for both walk and lunch.
Hazel H”

Two senior walkers seemed to approve
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The monkfish rice got good reports

“Well, I think that down went pretty well, don´t you agree?”
Much more of this praise and Tina will want to repeat the whole event.

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