Saturday, May 21, 2011

AWW 18.05.2011: Terry´s Hat trick or Algarve in the rain - again

“If you´ve got a winning formula, why change it?” – so says the Algarve´s Leading Walker, Terry A.
And that formula is…..persuade a group of trusting followers to ignore the forecasts and to gather for a photo sheltering under a cafe awning, lead them out for a twenty click stroll through pouring rain, get back to the cafe just as the sun breaks through, make sure they get a beer or two as they get warmer, and send ´em home happy.
Three rain-drenched walks on the trot…as he himself asks, how does he do it? Here´s how.

Starters 16th February 2011
Starters 20th April 2011

and Starters 18th May 2011. Notice the similarities.
Leader: Terry A
Followers: Dina, Tina, Hilke, Hazel, David L, Rod, Charles Frew, Yves, and JohnH. Not in photo: Sue.
Dogs: Rosie and Maddy
AWW track 2011.05.18
The Track  (as always, Click to enlarge)
Distance: 20.41 km
Time: oh, about 5 3/4 hrs
Here is the Leader´s Report
“Another walk led by Terry, third one this year and the third time it has rained (how do I do it?) this one was spectacular with rain, thunder and lightning, but a hardy bunch of boys and girls turned up including Sue a walking client of previous years who likes her walking so maybe a new recruit.

“I decided to walk it the other way round so it looked different for myself and John as he had walked it in the rain last time with me and Terry M. We walked to the train station in Messines and down a very long platform crossing the line and following one of Maurice's old walks (blue dots still showing the way) as we made our way through the wet and soggy paths watching the lightning and thunder roll around us, not to mention passing cars and trains.

Ten O´clock Up to Messines

The blue dots
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Photography not easy in the downpour, but Yves managed to get good shots
We crossed the main road and headed for the the Cumeada ridge; for once it was nice to be on a road but when we turned to cross the Valley to the Gregorios road, it was very muddy and slippery so we all grew taller with the mud on our boots.

“But at least it had stopped raining and the sky was showing signs of brightening up as we followed the ridge with all the Standing Menhir stones.

Yves says that is a Mirage, on the house.
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Smiling after the rain
“and John, determined to get all his money´s worth, even visited the Necropolis at the end, ever the diligent Joint Chief Blogger.
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By the Necropolis
“Then down off the ridge to Fuzeiros and the cafe for lunch. The coffee, beers and cha was much appreciated by all, now the leggings and waterproofs were coming off, confidence growing all the time the rest of the walk would be dry and indeed it was, a good path back to the junction " at the old broken sign" where we followed the VA back to Messines,

The old broken sign

Rod elucidates

Men and their dogs
“on the way looking in an old cisterna at newts or small baby alligators!! and lots of frogs of special interest to one of our walkers!!

Spot the Frog
crossing the rail line back into Messines for post-walk drinks.

“Thanks to all who came the weather was crap but the company was great, and thanks to Rod's son Charles for very different topics of conversation of his epic journey.
“Off on my hol's and the 100 mile Challenge Walk in England, see you when I get back and have a nice lunch next week.
Terry ”
Good luck, Terry, and thanks; Thanks also to Yves for 5 photos, invaluable.

< And now back to that old warhorse, Tristram Shandy. The attentive and retentive reader of these blogs, if there be such a person, will remember from past editions that Tristram Shandy is a rambling sort of a book, characterised by its digressive progressive narrative style, rather like some blogs. [Ref: ].  It was suggested that an ideal blogger should be adapt easily to that style because blogging is basically inconsequential meandering, saying a lot about not very much. Possession of a weird sense of humour [Do you remember the shaggy dog story about The Edam Busters?], and possession of a camera would also be advantageous. Now, an interesting thing about Lawrence Sterne who wrote the book in question is that he was Irish by birth but he was also, in his way, an expat because he spent most of his working life in Yorkshire. Now there must be some among our number who share some of these characteristics with Sterne and will thereby be good candidates to join the ranks of bloggers for next season. Think about it, I ask you.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to have missed this interestigly wet walk. I always enjoyed Terry´s lunch stops at a café.


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