Monday, October 11, 2010

AWW 06.10.2010 – Amble in the Brambles


Within a matter of weeks, my status as RCB (Retired Chief Blogger) has been modified to RCB (Reserve Chief Blogger) as the CB has indulged himself in an early season bacchanalian sojourn to the wine lakes of Sicily, in the company, among others of the Head Navigator, Rod.

    Although I was present on the walk, and even managed to contribute a few photos, the Blog has been somewhat delayed and abbreviated by circumstance;  the medical appointments of the Leader this week, and the Commonwealth Games. This is not to mention the auspicious Day Out Geocaching enjoyed by Myriam and I in the company of Phil and Susan on 10.10.10 when attempted to set a new record for the number of teams to log at least one found cache in a single day. The current record stands at 56,654, and those interested can find some more info at this LINK

    What I do not have time to do is ramble on in my usual fashion, so I will publish the Leader’s report and a selection of photos in the minimalist style favoured by the CB without more ado.



Starters including silhouette of RCB who had forgotten the Gorilla Pod.


Leader: Ian W.

Amblers: Janet, Lindsey, Dina, Tina, Alex, Yves, Myriam, Frank, Paul

K9 pack: Shelly, Bella


Foz track 06.10.2010 Track of the walk (we walked largely in the clockwise direction)


Total Distance: 13.76 km
Total Time:  4 hrs 3 min.
Moving Time: 3 hr 21 min.
Overall Avg.: 3.4 km/hr
Moving Avg.: 4.1 km/hr
Total Ascent: 436 m.
Max Elevation: 228 m.


Leader’s Report

Amble in the Brambles
On a very clear day under a cloudless sky 10 walkers met at the Foz de Banho at 9.00am. The Leader thought the weather was cooling and didn't need to make everybody get up so early, but he would later regret that decision. The first problem was that the Chief Blogger was absent. The excuse was that he was off in Sicily glugging wine and this was not considered an adequate reason for not attending the walk. In fact the FCB(R) ( former chief blogger retired) did not have his gorilla pod and had to take the starting photo and consequently does not appear (except in shadow form). Anyway, we finally headed off at 9.10, discussing why so many walkers were otherwise engaged and how it was their loss on such a fine day.



At the first stream crossing everybody managed to cross without getting wet much to the FCB(R)'s disappointment as he was hoping for a timely photo.

IMG_0900 Harpoon Ready!!


Later the talk got around to figs and sex. Some said that there are male and female trees and others that figs have male and female flowers on the same tree. Well, everybody is right because there are over 700 species of figs and the figs are fertilised in many different ways! Common figs (Ficus Cerica) are monoecius, having male and female flowers inside the syconium (the fig). There are other types of fig which have separate male and female trees( Ficus Sycomorus) and they need a small wasp to do the job. Also, there is a type of fig (Capri Fig) which has male flowers from which the wasp fertilises the Smyrna fig and the San Pedro fig.


The walk continued without anything noteworthy until we reached the turn, when we had to cross a small stream at the bottom of a valley, just before the Medronho man's house.

IMG_2718 Descent to the Bramble Valley


Here, the cistus, roses and brambles had grown a lot since last year and we had to fight our way down to the stream, where Bella got stuck and had to be helped out, and those wearing shorts got scratched.

IMG_0905 Belle and Bella in the Brambles

IMG_2730 Bella is hoisted out…………

IMG_0906 ……….as is Dina………..

IMG_2734 …………and even the RCB!!


  By now we were all feeling the heat and we slowly climbed our way back up to the top of the ridge, missing the opportunity to buy Medronho, and the walk continued.

IMG_2707 This season’s fashions modelled by Alex and Frank.


Yves was worried that we would arrive back late, but we reached the Foz more or less at 1.00pm to be met by Ian S, who welcomed us brightly and joined us for a libation.


Yves, Lindsey Dina and Frank dashed off early, so we were honoured to have Ian S. make up the numbers


All agreed it was the perfect day for a walk, and as it turned out, the best day of the week. The Leader omitted to mention the highlight of the walk, which was a Foot-fetish competition (I don’t think that was how Myriam described it), but those with an interest in such things may wish to identify the owners of the podal extremities below!


IMG_2741 Wow – your feet are a bit hairy!!!




IMG_2755 A podiatrist’s dream……

I dare say no more…!


“Every speaker has a mouth; An arrangement rather neat. Sometimes it's filled with wisdom. Sometimes it's filled with feet.“   Orben, Robert


“This is the great fault of wine; it first trips up the feet: it is a cunning wrestler.”    Plautus, Titus Maccius


“The destroyer of weeds, thistles, and thorns is a benefactor whether he soweth grain or not.”    Ingersoll, Robert Green


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. It was a good walk indeed and many thanks to the leader who brought us back in time: very we had to dash, some things don't wait: time, tides and the Present Mrs.F among them!

  3. There were more photos of lovely nails taken that the RCB did not publish. There would have been a bigger display of beautiful feet if all the girls had come for this walk!!


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